Best Way to Getting Rid of Moles Fast Out of Your Yard

Best Way to Getting Rid of Moles Fast Out of Your Yard

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Best Way to Getting Rid of Moles Fast Out of Your Yard

Moles can cause a lot of damage. Learning how to get rid of moles in the yard fast can come in handy when you discover those small, volcano-shaped mounds of soil in your lawn. If you’ve ever searched for “how to get rid of moles in my yard?” this post is for you. We’ll discuss what moles are, signs you have them in your yard, and how to get moles out of your yard. Let’s start with the basics.

how to get rid of moles in your yard

What Are Moles?            

Moles are mammals that live underground. They’re efficient diggers and spend a lot of time digging tunnels in their hunt for mostly worms, bugs, and grub. While most of their excavation is below the surface, they push mounds of soil to the surface, creating unsightly holes and weak spots in the lawn. As they tunnel for food, they can disrupt the roots of vegetables and other plants.

Sign of Moles in Your Yard

Most people confuse mole damage with damage caused by rodents, voles, or mice. Watch out for these signs:

Dead grass: Moles can cause damage to grass’s roots when they burrow close to the surface, leaving dead patches of grass in their wake.

Mounds that are far apart: Numerous creatures can cause soil mounds in your yard. Gophers, for example, make entrance and exit mounds that are close together. Mole mounds tend to be about six feet apart, and the soil is finer than that of a gopher mound.

Volcano-shaped or cone-shaped molehills: When moles dig tunnels, they push the dirt straight up to the surface, creating a tell-tale volcano- or cone-shaped mound.

How to Get Rid of Moles in Your Yard

Moles spend their entire lives in their tunnels, so they prefer areas with loose soil ideal for feeding, burrowing, and breeding. That said, they’re attracted to places with lots of bugs and worms, cool temperatures, and landscaping elements such as paths, fence rows, and other types of borders.

What Is the Fastest Way to Get Rid of Moles in Your Yard?

Once you realize you have a mole problem, here are some effective ways of getting rid of moles in the yard.

Eliminate their food sources: Using various methods to control or repel insects and worms is the best way to get rid of moles in your yard.

Use mole repellents: Mole repellents typically produce certain smells that keep moles away. Castor oil is an effective mole repellent.

Mole trapping: Mole traps offer a sure-fire way to deal with an existing mole problem.

Other options to consider include:

  •     Digging a trench
  •     Creating an unfriendly environment
  •     Using baits

Seattle Landscaping Experts Near You!

Now that you know how to get rid of moles in your yard, you can take proactive steps to keep them away. Should you need professional assistance, seek the help of an experienced contractor.

At New Life Rockeries, we’re proud to offer an extensive range of landscaping services. Contact our experts today if you need help reducing, controlling, or eliminating moles from your yard. Feel free to dial (206) 489-3734 or fill our online contact form for a free quote.

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