Dealing with retaining wall cracks and cracks in concrete walls can be a huge frustration as they pose a risk to your landscape and can be difficult to repair.
Retaining walls are usually built to stop soil erosion or improve drainage in your landscape, so when they don’t work your entire landscape can be put at risk.
If you’ve started noticing retaining wall cracks that are causing issues in your landscape, the fastest way to mitigate this risk is to get in touch with a retaining wall contractor and schedule an appointment to have your wall inspected.
Here at New Life Rockeries, we have been helping homeowners improve their landscapes for more than 30 years facharbeit schreiben lassen. We have experience building and repairing retaining walls and our team would be happy to visit your home and help you with your retaining wall issues.
Continue reading to learn how to identify and repair retaining wall cracks or Give New Life Rockeries a call at (866) 757-7318 to schedule a visit from one of our retaining wall specialists.
How Retaining Wall Cracks Happen
So what are some retaining wall cracks causes hausarbeit schreiben lassen? A cracked stone wall can result for many reasons, here are the top five:
- Improper or inadequate drainage. Insufficient weep holes are often the culprit.
- Pressure building up behind your retaining wall due to wet soil.
- Poorly designed retaining walls.
- “Slope creep” causing the soil beneath your retaining wall to shift.
- Harsh weather. Over time, the elements will begin to take their toll on your retaining wall, causing cracks and other damage.
These are five common reasons why you might be noticing vertical cracks in concrete retaining walls Ghostwriter Schweiz. If you’re unsure why your retaining wall is developing cracks and would like to have it inspected by a retaining wall contractor, get in touch with New Life Rockeries today.
Cracked Wall Repair Tips
So what do you do if you are dealing with a cracked concrete wall or damaged stone retaining wall? Here are five cracked wall repair tips:
- Monitor your retaining wall cracks. Check your retaining wall daily to ensure that it isn’t starting to lean more.
- Check on your drainage ghostwriter jura. One of the main causes of a broken concrete retaining wall is poor drainage, so make sure that you improve drainage around your wall to mitigate the likelihood of it leaning.
- Reinforce the retaining wall to make it stronger and prevent future leaning.
- Add weep holes to improve drainage.
- Contact a retaining wall contractor akademische ghostwriter. If you are unable to prevent your retaining wall from further cracking, get in touch with a retaining wall contractor who will help you improve drainage and repair your retaining wall.
Need Help Fixing Your Retaining Wall Cracks?
If you’re dealing with a cracked cement wall and you’re looking for a reliable, effective solution, get in touch with New Life Rockeries today.
Here at New Life Rockeries, we have more than three decades of experience working with retaining walls and retaining wall repairs.
If you’d like to learn more about our retaining wall services or schedule our team to inspect your retaining wall, give us a call at (866) 757-7318 today.