Decomposed Granite – Uses, Maintenance and Costs

Decomposed Granite – Uses, Maintenance and Costs

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Decomposed Granite – Uses, Maintenance and Costs

When most people hear about granite, their minds immediately go to the kitchen. No, that’s not because they have an appetite—it’s because granite and marble countertops have become a mainstay in modern kitchen design.

But fewer people are familiar with decomposed granite. Exactly what is decomposed granite, you ask? In this article, we’ll be providing you with a clear definition as well as taking a look at the many uses and advantages of decomposed granite.

What Is Decomposed Granite Used For?

It’s likely that you encounter decomposed granite regularly in your daily travels. It’s commonly used in areas like these:

  • Adorning pathways in a garden
  • Local parks
  • Pathways in local communities
  • On a baseball field
  • Many more

It’s a versatile material that gives you a sleek looking natural surface, while remaining very firm and porous. It has an uncanny natural look that many seek out for the perfect accent to their rockery vision.

Decomposed granite is, of course, a form of granite. Granite is the most abundant igneous rock on the planet, formed as magma cools and solidifies.

As one may expect, decomposed granite is the late-stage form of granite. After enduring erosion and natural elements, granite will begin to flake and crumble. This transforms it into a decomposing granite material that can be crumbled into various sizes of particles, making it a versatile fit for any project.

Part of what makes decomposed granite so special is one of its particles, feldspar, which weathers away into a clay mineral known as kaolin when exposed to water.

Using Decomposed Granite for Your Project

Decomposed granite makes a fine addition to any landscaping project. Being even harder than marble, its robust makeup makes it an ideal fit for areas like the following:

  • Driveways
  • Pathways in your yard
  • Landscapes
  • Trail networks
  • Patios
  • Even ballparks!

Being a very robust, low-maintenance material, it’s a popular choice for projects of all shapes and sizes. The decomposed granite uses are endless.

Decomposed Granite Colors

Beyond just its practical applications for a project, there are many different types of decomposed granite, including a variety of colors.

Typically, decomposed granite will start out a reddish tan color, gradually fading over time into a spectrum of shades. 

Maintaining Decomposed Granite

Most commonly, folks may choose to make use of a stabilizing agent to increase the robustness of their decomposed granite pathway. New Life Rockeries has several options that we can recommend if you have a more specialized need for your decompo

Decomposed Granite Cost

Buying decomposed granite depends on the size and quantity needed. Please reach out to one of our talented estimators for an accurate decomposed granite price, if you’re looking to determine scope for your next landscaping project.

Decomposed Granite Near Me

For multiple generations, New Life Rockeries has provided its customers with immaculate results and exceptional customer service in their landscaping projects.

If you’re considering using decomposed granite for your next project or have general questions, please reach out to us by clicking here.

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