How Do You Make a Mortared Stone Wall

How Do You Make a Mortared Stone Wall

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How Do You Make a Mortared Stone Wall

The simple mortared stone wall does more than setting boundaries in your garden or backyard—it spreads romance and sophistication. 

How do you make a mortared stone wall? Is it difficult to make a stone wall? Read this blog and learn how to build one for instant appeal.

 mortared stone retaining wall

Materials and Tools Necessary for a Mortar Stone Wall   

A mortar and stone wall can make a casual and impressive statement, amaze your visitors and guests, and increase the value of your property. If you want to create a rock wall mortar, you will need to secure the following materials and tools:


  • Stone
  • Stakes
  • Limber for stakes
  • 1½-inch screws
  • Mortar


  • Level
  • Line level
  • Tape measure
  • Mason’s trowel
  • Mason’s line
  • Chalk line
  • Concave jointer

Mortared Stone Wall Construction Methods: A Step-by-Step Guide

With a bit of creativity, dedication, and free time, you can turn your ordinary entrance into an extraordinary mortar rock wall.

Let’s consider the steps you need to do to create your mortared stone with retaining wall contractors:

Step 1: Choose Appropriate Stones

The first thing you need to do is select the right stones for your property. From semi-dressed to uncut rubble, you will find many options to choose from. 

Step 2: Divide the Stones and Apply Footing

The next step involves dividing the stones into groups to ensure a perfect fit. Then, layout the site and add the footing. Take three to four feet of the stones and set them to the side. Next, add a layer of mortar for the rock wall on the footing.

Step 3: Fill the Gaps

If necessary, fill the gaps with smaller stones for a better look.

Step 4: Level the Wall Height and Apply a Second Layer

Once you complete the first course, use a mason’s line level to determine the height for the next course. When ready, apply a second layer with stones that sit ½ inch below the mason’s line.

Step 5: Build the Wall

Move the mason’s line up as you continue setting other layers to keep them at the same level. If possible, choose smooth and flat stones to create a perfect wall. When the mortar and stone wall is set up, clean off the excess with a brush. 

Mortaring a stone wall is a great way to update the look of your property. However, if you want your project to be successful, it is essential to plan the layout first, so square stones are at the corners and flat ones on the edges.

Advantages of Mortared Stone Wall

Adding a mortared stone wall at your entrance, garden, or backyard comes with numerous benefits:

  • Increases the value of your property
  • It is easy to clean and maintain
  • Insulates your home from harsh weather conditions
  • Ensures excellent thermal regulation
  • It is durable and will last for years
  • It is an eco-friendly and natural material


Now that you know more about “How do you make a mortared stone wall” and “How to use mortar for a stone wall,” it is time to roll up your sleeves and get down to work. 

If you need help, the experts from New Life Rockeries & Landscaping contractors are here to help. Contact us today at (866) 512-7963 to discuss your needs, and we’ll provide you with a free quote.


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